22 June 2008

A Day Off

Funny title for a post - since I'm retired.

Today, however, it was my birthday. Except for helping Liz with some computer tasks and putting her belongings into the rig, I did nothing toward getting ready for our departure.

Liz took me to breakfast at a great little spot - "Eat at Joe's" - where on a weekday one can get a simple, good breakfast for $1.95. Once we moved her things from her house to my house, I sat down to watch a DVD of The Jungle Book I purchased last December. I just love the song, The Bare Necessities. And the philosophy of that song is one I relate to.

It wasn't too long into the movie that I found myself dozing, sitting at the table, computer screen in front of me. So I got up and laid down on the bed. And three hours later, I felt ever so refreshed.

My son called today - I missed his call initially, so called him back. We chatted about the day, relaxing, taking my time, and not stressing about getting things done today. Sometimes he feels like a father to me, and I admit, sometimes I like it! He is a wise person, and has a lot to teach me. I'm delighted that he feels excited for me about this trip. We don't see each other often, or talk on the phone often, so sometimes I'm not sure about how he perceives his mom. The important thing, though, is that he lets me know that whatever is happening in my life, he loves me. He and Mel sent me a prepaid card for my use while I'm on the road. I told him that I would use it only for fun stuff. The denomination of the card won't fill my gas tank, but it will buy a lot of beer!!! I'm looking forward to finding the local watering hole in John Day.

My daughter sent me two Hallmark eCards - one with my most favorite character, Maxine. I shared the card with Liz and we laughed and laughed. You have to understand 'old' people - and if you're not old, you will be one day...given the alternatives as our lives get shorter, laughter is very important. The smallest thing can be funny, if you look at it a certain way. She also sent me some gel slippers to help me get rid of my crusty heels. When you live in southern Arizona you begin to look and feel like the desert!! I haven't tried the slippers yet because I need to clean the floors in the trailer, so what is green doesn't turn black on day one. Keeping up with the dust is impossible...

Last month I created a commitment ceremony to myself as the most important person in my life. I created a CD mix of songs that felt pertinent. "Will you still feed, will you still need me, when I'm 64?" becomes more meaningful today as I find myself at that chronological age. It's so interesting that inside of me I am still a young person. As I have been re-creating myself since Doc's passing, I have acquired a new, more feminine wardrobe, and I've restyled my hair. Three weeks ago I had the first professional haircut I'd had in three years, as I had been cutting my own hair. Doing it myself was okay - I liked it: however, I found that I couldn't taper the sides short enough, or trim the rest long enough for a spike with my clippers. I really like how I feel with my new cut.

Tonight as I write, I can hear the coyotes howling - maybe they are singing me "Happy Birthday!"

And tomorrow, bright and early, I'll be busy again, doing things that have had to wait until the last minute before we leave.

1 comment:

Donna McNicol said...

WHOO-HOO!!!! Happy Birthday, Su...