23 September 2008

Yee Haw!!!

Well, we made it to southeastern Oregon today after a few glitches...Liz needed to refill several meds, so she called them into the Walgreen's in Medford so we could pick them up on our way. After thinking that the brake controller issue was finished, I called Caveman RV to see if they'd called the manufacturer about the questions we had about it. Tim called them and called me back - he'd adjusted it too tight, so I had to drive back to Grant's Pass to get it readjusted. I can finally say, I think everything is working as it should!

So around 12:30 we finally got on our way, and drove over Route 140 to within 10 miles of Lakeview. At about 5:00 p.m. all of a sudden we saw a sign! It said "turn here". Actually it said Junipers RV Resort. We just thought we'd check it out, and out, and out, because it was down a mile-long curvy gravel road. And then we saw it...home at last. Junipers is a very nice rural, and affordable, full service RV park that is 23 years old. It is part of a lease agreement that comes with the ranch lease, where the folks have 1,000 head of cattle. They summer in this area, and winter near Hawthorne, NV.

Right away we decided to take a nice, warm shower - the showers were roomy, well-lighted, and they had nice, soft white bath rugs and a chair to assist with dressing, and fresh, real flowers at the sinks. The park manager, Mary, said that the owners wanted to create an RV park, but had never RVed before. So they rented an RV and took notes about the different parks they visited, and then designed the park to reflect all the things they liked, and improved on the things they didn't like. The views are wonderful, and when the sun goes down, it's actually DARK!

We were going to drive into California tomorrow, and then down to Reno; however, it looks like the winds will be up between 15-25 mph. So we're going to stay another day and try to leave on Wednesday. Liz is still hurting from her fall, and her leg is very painful. So we'll just hang out tomorrow. We may have to stop again for her to go to the doctor.

I've attached a couple of pictures of the round barn we visited not too far from here, before we left for Seattle. It was built by Peter French who was hired by Mr. Glenn to build a cattle 'empire'. He married Mr. Glenn's daughter. The town of French-Glenn, OR was named after them. Architecturally, the barn is AWESOME!!!

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