The photos were taken at the John Day Fossil Beds.
We left Lakeview yesterday because we couldn't stay any longer - the park was being filled by a group for the weekend. Not that I wanted to stay, but it meant I had to face some hazards I didn't want to face...mainly, possible wind conditions. I checked the weather conditions online to see what the weather was going to be. The wind was supposed to die down for Thursday travel.
As we were getting ready to leave yesterday morning, doing our regular safety check, I didn't have any brake lights or right turn signal. After another camper offered assistance, we determined that as the bulb wasn't burned out, perhaps it was another problem. We left the park and headed into Lakeview to the gas station to get some help. On the way out of the park I forgot my coffee cup and the wheel chock, so had to make a turn-around before we could drive the mile up the gravel road to the highway.
At the 76 station we asked for help about our lights, and we were directed to the Shell station about a mile up the road from the intersection. After a major traffic jam at the station, with me tying up space, and folks getting gas, we finally made it across the intersection to the road we were to take for help.
Behind the Shell station there was a small tire center and repair garage. The fellow there checked out all the circuits and fuses for the truck lights, and the connection to the trailer, and located the problem - one of the plugs in the "pigtail" power cord between the truck and the trailer was too far apart. With a minor adjustment, we had lights, and we were on our way - no charge for the trouble.
As we drove south along Rt. 395 I noticed that the wind seemed to be blowing stronger than the 10-15 mph the weather service advised online. For the next several hours we were buffeted by the wind, and finally, as it was getting stronger, I pulled into Susanville, CA for a spot to park for the night. The space was pricey (it was California, after all), and the park personality was nothing great - nice enough though.
This morning we pulled out of the park around 9:15 and went in search of a gas station as I had only 1/4 tank. After a drive through a Shell station with a telephone pole placed in such a way that I couldn't get into the station with the trailer (I tried, though!) and seeing the next station was full of vehicles, I wondered where I'd find gas. I headed out of town thinking that I'd find something in that direction, but when the signs said 36 miles of possible windy road, I turned back into town and headed to the other end in hopes of finding a gas station that would accommodate the trailer. Why is it that the gas stations are always on the opposite side of the street that you need it to be on?! Anyway, success, at last, and we were on our way.
The last time I was in Reno, NV the roads were still under construction, with narrow lanes blocked off by orange cones and concrete barricades - hardly enough room for two vehicles to pass each other. I was a little apprehensive about what I would find this time; however, the construction had been completed and getting through Reno and onto Interstate 80 was a piece of cake.
We had stopped briefly a little outside of Reno for a 'deserved break'(i.e., McDonald's). Getting into the parking lot was easy, although I had to back up a little to pull into the alley that served as the road to the gas station next door. After waiting for some young males, full of themselves, to gas up - and by the way, they pulled up to the gas pump and left their vehicle there while they went to the other restaurant next door to order pizza and get an order from Subway - THEN they pumped their gas! I also filled my tank and headed out of Dodge!!!
From there we had a very pleasant ride to Hawthorne, NV, taking the scenic route (Rt. 95A) out of Fernley, NV. We saw the autumn changes of color of the desert plants and grasses, the mountains and rock formations, and the reflections of the mountains in the waters of beautiful Lake Walker. We arrived in Hawthorne around 3:30, as Liz says 'grumpy time', although today it was her day to be grumpy - leg in a brace, pain, and sitting on the sunny side of the truck (finally it's HER turn!)
We're staying in a nice affordable park named Whiskey Flats RV park, with a pull through, so no backing in. We got here early enough to enjoy some of the wonderful warm weather and sunshine before the sun went behind the mountain. We sat outside and visited with our neighbor, getting valuable information about RVing, and we watched the little birds and the medium birds take turns drinking and bathing out of a puddle left from the morning's lawn irrigation. Tomorrow we'll get to Pahrump, where we will stay through Monday night.
Next, stand by for a report of the actual fun we've had on this trip!!! We'll try to think of something!
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