After a fairly good sleep that first night, I awoke to snow showers and white rooftops. I took a few photos through the window, and made some coffee, then called the number for the taxi that was recommended by the hotel, to go to the county driver licensing department. The cab driver came right away and after arriving at the licensing building, only about five minutes later I had a new South Dakota driver's license, good for five years. I was the only person in line!
I then asked the driver to take me to the mail service address to pick up my waiting mail. When we arrived it was just 9:00 a.m., the time that the mail service office opened, but no one was there. As I had asked the driver to wait for me, the meter was still running. The cost of the office opening late to me was an additional $5 to my tab. I was not impressed!!!
I returned to the hotel around 9:30 and decided to spend the rest of the day playing. For a while I visited with the two women in the hotel's gift shop. One of them is from the Ogalala tribe and has been a leader in her tribe. The other one, quite a bit younger, is the daughter of the woman who runs the Celtic store around the corner (I found this out later in my journey...) We had a nice chat and then I headed out to discover what was in the neighborhood.

and respect for all the human race. The earth itself is in the shape of a hoop or circle of life. The crossed pipes represent
world peace..."
Thomas Jefferson

Ronald Reagan

I call these "belly laugh pots."

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